
Houses for sale in Parma


 When you arrive in Parma, you know pretty quickly what kind of place you are visitng. In the quick tour - which you can also book specifically (Parma in 1 day) - you learn the most important things - although people often mistakenly think that Parma is the capital of Emilia Romagna, it is above all the capital of music and theatre. And of food - of course. (As if the two didn't belong together). Birthplace of Arturo Toscanini, Parmesan Museum or Verdi and Paganini in tow, whose names provide various exhibitions, concerts and performances every year. Churches and the Duomo in pink marble are just as worth seeing as the gallery or one of the most renowned theatres in the world. The climate here is almost subtropical and the Po Valley makes it ideal for the production of Parma - ham and by-products, milk - and various types of cheese, of which Parmesan is the most famous. The large milk producer Parmalat and pasta producer Barilla have their headquarters here. Everywhere in the interior of the country you can see medium-sized to small family farms hanging either their Parmigiano Reggiano or genuine Prosciutto di Parma to dry. The aubergine speciality, which actually comes from Naples, is called Parmiggiana di melanzane because of the important ingredient. Important fairs are held in Parma every year.

Region Parma Properties